David Letterman

In TV News - David Letterman Has Announced His Retirement! Late Night TV is Changing and Losing Some of Its Biggest Icons!

4/04/2014 05:30:00 PM

Long time late night talk show host David Letterman has announced his retirement for 2015. The Late Show began its successful longtime run on CBS in 1993. David Letterman has been at the helm of that success since the beginning and its going to be sad to see him go. When Letterman bids his final farewell the Late Show will be 22 years old. An amazing feat for television and Letterman's career.

No definitive answer as to exactly when he will be retiring but he did say that his music man Paul Shaffer will be retiring with him. So in 2015 there will be no Dave and no Paul on the show. Many media outlets have been speculating replacements for Dave which I'm sure CBS has been doing since his conversation with the executives. Let me give you a list of names being thrown out there:

Dave's Potential Replacements via NYDailyNews:

Chris Rock
John Stewart
Louis C.K.
Jerry Seinfeld
Tina Fey and Amy Poehler
Conan O'Brien
Chelsea Handler
Craig Ferguson
Larry David
Jay Leno

Jerry Seinfeld would probably fit he and David Letterman have the same kind of comedic chops. Their brand of humor fits and I can see him beyond that desk or giving the top ten. I can see that. This list is pretty decent. CBS has a task on their hands. Choosing a replacement host is going to be damn near impossible. It was almost impossible for NBC to replace Jay Leno he had to retire twice! After Conan O'Brien's crack at hosting duties the ratings went down so Jay Leno came back then Jimmy Fallon took over giving up his late night show and well now its one of the top rated shows in the late night circuit. Its funny, original and all Fallon. Which I love. Hopefully CBS really takes their time and chooses someone who can transition easily into the spot and help the show flourish.

Anyway I'm going to miss the Late Show with David Letterman. From the stupid human tricks, to his monologues, and especially his top ten list. I used to sneak and stay up to David and its going to be strange not seeing him smiling and cracking jokes on TV. Hopefully they replace Dave and Paul with great people who breathe new life into the show and make it their own.

Good Luck David and Paul. And Happy Birthday Dave!

Source: NYDailyNews

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