
TV: Marvel's Planning a New TV Series and It's Coming to Netflix!

4/29/2014 09:33:00 PM

Netflix has begun to solidify its niche in the multi-device TV market. As a subscriber of Netflix I enjoy the availability. Watching a show whenever I want is awesome. If you've never used Netflix or are unsure of how it works here's a quick lesson: Netflix is a multi-device TV/movie streaming and DVD company. It allows the user to watch television shows and movies on any device that is able to access Netflix (Smart phones, Tablets, Smart TVs, Video Gaming Consoles etc). It's a pay service that costs about $8.00 a month (for the streaming alone). Small price for access to some of the biggest movies and best television shows in pop culture. Titles like: Orange is the New Black, Arrested Development, House of Cards, Hemlock Grove, and hundreds of popular movies including the Hunger Games, The Avengers, Olympus Has Fallen, and more!

Netflix in the near future will be showing new TV shows including a few from the Marvel camp. Marvel has slated the Daredevil to be the first installment in the Netflix/Marvel TV series. According to Nerdist the show is supposed to be along the same lines as The S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Marvel comic films. It will be apart of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Currently there is no information about the show or its plot has been released but it is supposed to be introduced into the Netflix family sometime in 2015. There is one thing that the Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada mentioned in a podcast called the Fat Man on Batman:
“There will be some inter-connectivity, much like the movies. They will exist within the cinematic universe again, so this is all the same world as S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers.”
“Although these are superhero stories, this is different now. This is the street level… this is the street level noir side of the Marvel Universe. Something that you haven’t really, really seen in any of our Marvel movies. And probably more ground level, than I think you’ve seen. This is not like us doing Batman, Dark Knight or any of that stuff. This is very Marvel doing street level superheroes.”
So in this series of superheroes they are focusing on more carbon heroes vs a hero like Superman or Wonder Woman; heroes that could actually exist in the real world.

Anyway as I said before the first installment to this partnership between Marvel and Netflix will hopefully be the Daredevil. Some other names for a television show that have been rumored have been Luke Cage & Iron Fist (for the duo and for Luke Cage as a stand alone), the Fantastic 4, and more. But who knows Marvel has always thrown a few curve balls so we'll just have to wait and see. Let's hope they put good stock into the TV shows they produce and make it worth watching.

Source: Nerdist

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